Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. -Luke 1:45

Friday, May 21, 2010

Another One...........still patiently(well...sometimes) waiting

Today I find out that another couple in our "group" is going to have a baby. They have been married for less than a year and both have at least 6 years on both Josh and I. It just seems unfair. I am trying to be happy for them.....and I's what they desire.....but I can't help not to wonder........WHY???? Why not us God? Why not now? Financially we are in much better standing than most of our friends. We've been married longer than almost all of them. We have a big family support system. WHY?????? I think I'm entering into the angry side of things. I can say what I want and say that I don't feel a certain way but the truth is that deep down...I do. I don't understand. I don't understand why God would put such a strong desire and longing for children and then not bless?????? Yes, people want to tell you that in time.....most people go on to have just takes a while; but I know that is not always the case. After reading tons and tons of words written by girls and ladies just like me who have fought this battle for years still to no avail. I CAN NOT fight like for years. Every month takes such an enormous toil on me, on Josh(even though he would never add more stress to me by saying it out loud, on my relationship with God, and on our marriage. I pray, I pray, I pray........and yet here I sit......hearing the "good" news from yet someone else......just not us. It's hard not to THINK about it or not to get your hopes up when you're having to interpret every sign your body might make to let you know what is going on or "where" you are.

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