Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. -Luke 1:45

Sunday, July 17, 2011

One Year Ago

What difference does a year really make? Well, in my case....all of the difference in the world! One year ago we attended our "nephew"(Josh's cousin's son's) first birthday party.....feeling so out of place because this was a "kid's" birthday party.....and we had no kids. I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams that a year from that day we'd be "part of the crowd" so to speak. It's amazing how once you are a parent you instantly "fit" in. I have been to more kid's birthday parties since Gracie has been born than I think I had been to in the last ten years. :)
For the very first time I felt like I could really celebrate the child's birthday in which I was attending. I know it sounds horrible but I guess I was always feeling so out of place in the past and longing to be at that place in life that I never really enjoyed or celebrated. It feels great. I am a party planner and hostess by nature so naturally I'm itching to plan and host Gracie's birthday parties. I'm sure it will be seen as "overdone" by some in the family but I don't really care. Josh and I have a beautiful little girl to celebrate and I intend to celebrate her to the fullest!
Things are settling in for us at the Mejia household. We are getting the hang of this parent thing (for now) and our schedules are actually becoming quite routine.....(shocker)...I know. Those of you who keep up with my crazy work adventure know that my floor (finally) shut down after threatening to do so for the last 8 years that I had been there. It was sad......well...more than sad.....but I actually feel like for once in the last 8 years I have some "stability" in my job and can make future plans. For so long we felt like our life was on hold financially because we didn't want to depend on my salary with so much instability at work and with fertility costs. I feel like for the first time in a long time I can actually sit back and take a deep breath. Now....I'm not saying learning a new job/people doesn't suck but boy am I grateful to have that job and have it worked around Josh's schedule so that for now we can delay the dreaded "daycare" need. Life is good. We are cherishing each day and loving our baby girl. She is an amazing little creature. It's so funny to see her picking up some of our traits and ways. I swear she is even starting to look a bit like my baby pictures. She is one special girl. I love to watch her grandparents interact with her. It warms my heart. Those are the sort of things that make all of the lost sleep worth it!