Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord. -Luke 1:45

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


This is our first clomid cycle. I'm not quite sure of what to expect. I've heard such horror stories of clomid symptoms and keep thinking to am I going to work while being a total basket case. I'm on day #3 of 5 pills and no symptoms yet other than a light headache off and on. I'm experiencing a calmness that is unlike me. I claim that it's God sent and have prayed continuously for Jesus' peace.....I guess I just doubted to be quite honest that I could actually experience it. It's a weird feeling. Someone one the "outside" would probably read that I'm distancing myself from a letdown or a failed cycle......but's more like I'm ok. I'm ok because I know that God loves me. It's just that simple.....hard to explain really....other than just that......God loves me. Nothing.....NOTHING....can ever seperate me from His love. There's a peace in knowing that I've given my heart's desires to Him and knowing that He knows what is best for my life. Although I would have never thought before.....there is a freedom in giving over the control.(Like He wasn't always, anyways. LOL.) For myself, though, giving up the reigns that I so often try and cling to was hard........but the peace that I'm excited about the weeks to come....looking forward to seeing what God has planned for our lives.....but I'm not "chomping" at the bit like usual. Thank you Jesus, for the little things that are such big things to me.

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